Kadets Consider Their Passions in Life


Junior Peyton Grant doing community service over the summer at a Youth Church group

Whether we seek them out or make them a part of our daily work, sometimes passions tend to creep up on us and give us a new sense of purpose.

 Members of the Air Academy student body to tell us what their passions are and how it keeps them striving for success daily.  Hopefully, their stories and their words inspire you to let go of any restrictions that may be holding you back and inspire you to go chase your dreams.

First off, what is a passion? The dictionary defines it as a “strong and barely controllable emotion for something” but for some, there are more words than just those that define their passion. 

Air Academy junior Peyton Grant defined what a “passion” really means to her.

“I define passion as something that inspires you and liberates your mind to endless possibilities,” Grant said. “When you find passion even in the little things, it makes you appreciate what the world has to offer.” 

Grant added, “My passion is to make a difference in the world. I don’t want to spend time attempting to erase the past or change it, but I’d rather focus on the future. I want to enable my community to correct knowledge and to stop making mistakes, and create the best future for ourselves that we can. My passion gives me hope that the world can change and be a better place.”

“My biggest inspiration would be the future generation, with new technology being made daily, kids are starting to be more creative, smarter, and open-minded. When people are asked, “what’s your passion?” Many are scared because they don’t know what their passion is. I believe your passion isn’t just limited to a job or a hobby, it can always be a mindset. If you are passionate about something, stay as motivated as you can about it. It may seem scary but it’ll work out in the end game.” 

Dávid Marczin, a student of the 2022 class, details his definition of the word.

“Passion is the light in a life that gives you motivation and happiness to keep going. Passion is what keeps you going in life and to me passion is everything,” Marczin said. “My passion is to live a very happy and fulfilling life while accomplishing that all by living in a van. I’m going to be a software engineer and even though I’d be sitting behind a computer screen daily I’d be doing it in the comfort of my renovated van…I’ve always had an adventurous soul ever since I was a kid. I feel like living in a van is going to be my best way to live out that adventurous feeling.”

Marczin also adds, “The people that inspire me the most I would say would be my parents. They’ve always supported me and been supportive of my ideas of living life in a van. The people I surround myself with are also a big motivational thing for me. They’ve always supported and cheered on my big plan. I feel like you have to be able to keep pushing yourself and find your strengths and build your life around them. We have very few hours in life and they shouldn’t be wasted on worthless things.” 

Students seeking their passion might ask: “Where can I find the resources to help me improve my passion?” or “How can the school help?” or even “Does the school believe in us?”

Counselor Sean Brotherton provides this guidance to students.

“Helping students find their passion is a lifelong pursuit. I really encourage many students to try new things such as; clubs, classes, or even activities. I want them to be willing to have an open mind about that stuff because they never know what is out there waiting for them,” Brotherton said. “I’m also a firm believer in if you start something, you finish it. Life is very important and short, so it’s dire that you find what you love and enjoy to do because it can not only bring you happiness but also help you make new friends.”

Brotherton sums up how to find passion — and a next step when you do.

“My advice for students is to keep working and keep developing that skill,” he said. “Then give it away. If you are afraid to speak out about your passion, don’t be afraid in this life, go out and find your purpose!”