Black History Month 2022

Why is Black History Month one of the most important celebrations and times of recognition?


Black citizens peacefully march for freedom. Labeled for use by Flickr

The month of February, although sometimes overlooked, carries a lofty historical significance and should be regarded as one of the most influential celebrations within the United States. February celebrates Black History Month, which not only celebrates the contributions of African Americans but also recognizes their central role and impact on U.S history. 

Black History Month was established in 1915, which was 50 years after slavery had been abolished in the 1800s. That year, the Association for the Study of Negro Life was founded since its purpose was to promote the achievements of black Americans. After that, the association created a Negro History Week in 1926. With its growing awareness following the civil rights movement, the week in February transitioned into Black History Month.

Even hundreds of years later, black citizens find difficulty being seen and getting the same opportunities as everyone else. It is important not to ignore the cruel history of slavery, systemic racism, and the extreme hardships African Americans face daily. Therefore, the celebration of Black History Month serves to give visibility and remembrance to not only how far the nation has come, but especially to shine a light on the people and organizations that have paved the way for change. 

“Black History Month has opened the eyes of many to the struggles we endured and what this country stemmed from. It’s crucial to not only know these events in American history, but specifically learn the Black stories and perspectives,” junior Mia Holland commented. 

Black activists and citizens’ contributions made and continue to make huge improvements within the country. From the leader of the civil rights movement, Martin Luther King Jr., to the young Ruby Bridges, the first black child to integrate into an all-white school in the south, all of these brave acts created milestones of opportunity for every American citizen, no matter their race. 

“This has impacted the community around me by celebrating how much America has grown, and hope for many more opportunities in the future for black people,” junior Trini Wilkins stated.

In the past ten years, a lot more awareness has been raised about this month and has helped make everyone’s experiences visible. Some organizations that advocate for this include The Innocence Project, NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund, and Feed Black Futures. This month gives an opportunity to educate oneself about Black History Month and the progression of the civil rights movement since the abolishment of slavery. Overall, if schools are teaching American Revolutions and world wars then Black History should be considered as well.

“This Month shines light on all of the hardships African Americans had to go through. It shouldn’t just be one month dedicated to black history, but rather a common curriculum taught that is not just glazed over,” senior Hunter Johnson demanded. 

As February passes by, the accomplishments of the black community and the efforts by these citizens to improve America are forever in remembrance. As a school, community, and country as a whole, it is vital that the nation recognizes and celebrates the people who have brought hope and opportunity for future generations.