Set Goals with Bucket Lists


Junior Jett Neubacher can cross “getting a dog” off his bucket list while his pup Kona rests.

If you had a week to live, an unlimited budget and nothing to lose…what would you do?

Bucket lists are known as a collection of things to do before you die. However, these activities or accomplishments are sometimes just something one wants to do because it’s “cool.”

According to Live Strong, seeing the Northern Lights, running a marathon, learning how to play an instrument and walking along the Great wall of China are among the world’s most popular bucket list items.

These activities are sought out but aren’t always accomplished because of financial or time restrictions.

“Having a bucket list motivates you to accomplish specific goals,” said senior Robert Carroll.

Additionally, high school is a time of reflection and planning for many students. As students start to apply to college and discover their passions, their future goals are outlined.

“I want to move to Greece and have five kids and open an animal shelter after I retire,” said senior Callissa Steel.

“I want to go sky-diving and make a lot of money and adopt kids,” said Carroll.

The only thing I want right now is to see a pink flowered tree like from Kung Fu Panda in real life,” said junior Jett Neubacher.

Bucket lists tend to align with peoples financial, romantic or career goals.

However, teenagers aren’t the only ones listing out their futures. “I want to be a ski instructor and go to Jerusalem because I want to see the old country and see the bible in action,” said Forensic teacher Maria Martinez.

Bucket lists have been around for many decades. However, the popularity increase in these motivational lists can be linked to the increase in travel and self reflection over the last few decades.

As blended families, adrenaline inducing activities and self expression become more mainstream, bucket lists are forced to evolve and reflect these new ideals.

These lists have evolved past what to do before you die; they have become an outline for the future. People make bucket lists outlining where they want to travel, what career to pursue and what passions to follow.

You have a target to look for and you can put things in place to get you there,” said Martinez.

Many people have already accomplished many of their bucket list items.

“I have accomplished many things. I’ve been sky-diving and I got married on the beach,” said Martinez.

These are monumental, highly memorable activities. However, some bucket list items are simple.

“I always wanted a dog and now I have one,” said Neubacher.

“I got my drivers license and my first job,” said Carroll.

Whether outlined on paper or just bouncing around in your head everyone has goals or ventures they want to accomplish. Everyone wants to see, hear, taste, experience and be apart of something new.

For Carroll, “never having to worry about money” is at the top of his list.

For others like Martinez, “being able to continue teaching with passion and excitement” guide her desires.

Bucket lists help many people focus on their goals while stating exactly what they want to focus their attention on. This can be especially helpful for people who feel they don’t have any specific direction for their life. Setting small goals like graduating high school can lead to a whole bucket list filled with monumental moments.