Air Academy’s Anonymous Instagram Pages Spread Positivity and Fun for Students


Sophomore Karis Boonzaaijer looks at Air Academy HS student instagram page @overheardataahs.

Air Academy High school is not as simple as it seems. The white plaster walls and the groups of laughing friends create the perfect illusion. You walk through the halls and see perfectly posed pictures, painted blue lockers, smiling teachers, and the smell of salty fries cooking in the cafeteria. But, what secrets lie beneath all that?

The truth is hidden in the most simplest of places: our phones. Our lives are contained in the thousands of pictures posted; our thoughts can be found in every tweet. But the most useful (and potentially hurtful) tool on this online society is the fact that anonymity is easy to achieve.

Air Academy High School has quite a few Instagram pages that are run by anonymous students. They feature anything from cute compliments to funny quotes heard around the school. And, while some people question the  integrity of these pages the answer is clear. They are anonymous for a reason and they should stay that way.

Air Academy Compliments(@aah.compliments) is one page that focuses on the positives of our school. Students can submit compliments about their peers creating a supportive environment that makes kids feel good.

“Well, high school can be tough, especially with all the influence with social media,” The anonymous owner of the page said. “I wanted to have a positive outlook for everyone.”

The page doesn’t need to have a known owner to make a difference. “Positivity doesn’t need a face!” Air Academy Compliments added. In fact, the page seems to make a bigger difference when the owner is kept a secret.

Another anonymous page is Air Academy HS (@overheardataahs). This page features funny or ridiculous things that are heard around the school.  Their posts consists of the quote and the location the quote was heard. This provides context, but doesn’t give away to much information.


The discreteness of the posts allows for a fun environment instead of a negative one. Students who said these funny things aren’t targeted and are instead able to laugh about it with themselves or close friends.

There are more anonymous social media sites that are focused on Air Academy. Some are general pages, such as air academy memes (@airacadememes), which features funny memes about the whole school. They accept submissions as well as posting some of their own content.


There are also more specific pages such as  Air Academy Band Memes (@airacademybandmemes) which focuses entirely on Air Academy’s band. This account has been passed down recently and feature funny submissions from fellow band students as well as original material.

Another specific page is A Midsummer Nights Meme (@thespian.memes), which focuses on Air Academy Theater’s cast and crew. They have many funny posts about the process of the upcoming production put on by Air Academy.


Communities in Air Academy do not experience the negative side of social media when exploring these Air Academy pages. Instead, students can bond over the hard times, the funny times, and the crazy times.  A key part in making sure these experiences are positive and that students stay safe is the anonymity.

Anonymous social media pages create a platform for students to speak what they are feeling and allow others to relate, making Air Academy a more diverse, humorous, and ultimately positive environment for all.