Free Money!

(scholarship photo): Cbibey; 2011; How to Obtain a Scholarship; 10/24/13;

(scholarship photo): Cbibey; 2011; How to Obtain a Scholarship; 10/24/13;

As students begin to think about their futures, one main question looms: “How will I afford college?” One of the most effective ways to get money for college is through scholarships and grants. A collection of these can lead to either paying less for college tuition or not having to pay at all! Many of you may be asking, “Why should I care?” or “How can I find a reliable source?” The answers lie below.

Scholarships vary in amount of money given as well as who is eligible to receive them. Some only allow students in 12th grade to receive the scholarship, whereas others allow students from 6-12th grade to enter. They can also provide anywhere from $100 dollars to a full-ride, four-year scholarship. There are also many types of scholarships. Some include essays, poetry and writing,

(dress photo): Caden and Ashton; 2013; Stuck at Prom; 10/24/13;
(dress photo): Caden and Ashton; 2013; Stuck at Prom; 10/24/13;

art, sports, academics, volunteer work, and other individualized ones. Poetry out loud, duct tape prom dress, FIRE (found on AAHS scholarships page), left handed, red hair with freckles, short or tall, and many other strange scholarship opportunities exist for students of many different ages. Don’t get discouraged if it takes time to find, apply for, and receive a scholarship. In the end, it’s worth it!

As you begin to look for scholarships, it is crucial that you find websites that are legitimate so that you can avoid being scammed. DO NOT give out information such as your social security number or debit/credit card numbers. If the scholarship requires you to first pay to enter, beware! The majority of scholarships WILL NOT ask you to pay in order to enter for it.

A few reliable sites that you may want to take a look at are:

The Air Academy Scholarships Page

 The Boettcher Scholarship, for-college/scholarships CKP7kJH_r7oCFeYWMgod1XgAHQ scholarships/search.php

If you want more information on scholarships, go see Dr. Eric Beers in the College and Career Counseling Center in student Services.

Other financial aid such as grants, loans, FAFSA, and more can also be found. FAFSA help can be found on the Air Academy website under the college and career section.

Don’t wait, your future starts now!