5 Ways to Push Out the Petty

5 Ways to Push Out the Petty

We’ve all been there. Someone goes behind someone else’s back and says something rude, tweets something hurtful, or does anything that just sets him or her off.

Boom. All of a sudden you’re drowning in group messages and screenshots, and you feel the walls of painful pettiness closing in around you! What are you supposed to do?

Look no further. Here are some tips to help put a stop to your drama disaster. Note: Every person is different, and while these tips may not be exactly perfect for your situation, they are definitely worth a shot.

1. Stand up for yourself. I know it can be difficult at times, but if you don’t tell the person that they are hurting you or that something is bothering you, then how can you expect them to stop? Boundaries are important in every relationship, and if you communicate that clearly, your friends will understand.

2. Be straightforward. I think we can all recall a time where a situation was very fixable, but because the person you were dealing with went behind your back and talked to others about you instead of being straightforward, the situation became much worse. If you have an issue with someone, tell them and work it out instead of talking behind his or her back. This is a sure way to avoid causing additional problems. Most of the time it’s just a misunderstanding, and it’s not worth bad mouthing someone at the lunch table for.

3. Respect the feelings of others. Just because you say something that wouldn’t normally hurt you, it doesn’t mean it wouldn’t offend others around you. This is more of a “check yourself before you wreck yourself” kind of situation. If you know that someone feels a certain way about a topic, leave it out of the conversation completely and don’t poke fun at it.

4. Accept the fact that YOU might be the problem. Yes! You! It is indeed a possibility for you to be the one causing an issue. So instead of denying any possibility of you being in the wrong, face the problem with an open mind. No one ever threw a fit over a genuine apology. It is perfectly okay to be in the wrong. We’ve all been there, but it’s those who choose to accept, apologize, and move on who maintain solid relationships.

5. Last but not least, WALK AWAY. If you are in a situation where you know exactly who or what is causing the issue, simply cut the negativity out of your life. I know that this is easier said than done, but think about five years from now and ask yourself if you’d be happy about choosing to keep such a bad influence in your life.

At the end of the day, drama is one of the most meaningless things that has ever existed. Keep your heads up, because it’s only temporary.