Turning the Page: The Next Chapter for the Class of 2023

How have seniors enjoyed their very last year of high school, and what will they do next?

The senior class gathering together to show off their school spirit for their very last school color day!

Senior Emma Martin posing for the camera with AAHS mascot Crusher after an assembly to show off her Kadet spirit!

It seems that it is that time of the year again. The end of the busy school year for Air Academy High School students is nearing. With many enduring hardships that have come and go, it seems that the most excited students to leave their legacy behind are the seniors. With graduation coming up rapidly, many seniors are sentimental and reminiscing about the easy days before they turn to the next chapter of their lives. 

“High school was one of the most exciting and enticing years of my life. There is no doubt that the memories I have created in high school will stick with me forever,” senior Emme Van Beck stated. 

Many seniors are not only counting down the days till they can throw their graduation caps in the air, but are also instead trying to look back to the days when they wished they were the seniors graduating. Seniors have shared one common goal at the beginning of the semester that goal being making it through senior year; however, now that it is here, many are sad to see it go away. 

“It is crazy to think that I graduate next week, but even more so how I am a senior and going onto the next chapter of my life. I remember when I was in 5th grade and wishing I could just graduate, but now that I am here it truly saddens me to go,” senior Elliott Albin said.

In addition to graduation, many seniors are elated to recall many memories and experiences that have occurred over the years of high school. Even with Covid getting in the way of the seniors’ freshman and sophomore years, each and every student and teacher tried to make the best of their outcomes. 

“Going into high school and only experiencing a fraction of what school is really like was hard, but to be honest junior and senior years have been by far the greatest. I have made some lifelong memories with a lot of people in my senior class so I am truly happy that we have made it this far!” Senior Lexi Wurmstein stated. 

Covid truly affected the dynamics of the way things worked in high school but more importantly students lives with friendships and sports. Many seniors wish they got an extra year of a sports season just to relive the bonding that has happened on sports teams here at AAHS. 

“I wish I could get just one more season with my team, and even though I have come to terms with myself, it still is very sad to leave all the memories and even more so the friendships behind,” senior Kaden Graves states. 

This year has been a whirlwind for seniors in making the most of things such as PowderPuff, Homecoming, Football Games, Color Day Assembly, Senior Sunrise, Senior Breakfast, Prom and even picking up the cap and gown. Many underclassmen are sad to see these seniors go, but more importantly, they are proud to see them all take their next steps in their lives to be successful and happy.