How to be Successful in the Gym
This article talks about the primary aspects that should be focused on in order to be successful in the gym.
Weightlifting is a sport that many young teens tend to take part in. However, it often occurs that a newcomer to the sport is conflicted on what to focus on in order to reach their goals. There’s a lot of misinformation on weightlifting and what needs to be done in order for a weightlifter to reach their goals in the gym, but it’s often much simpler than most make it seem.
There are many reasons why people go into the gym. Those reasons may include losing weight, gaining muscle mass, or becoming stronger. Although all of these might seem to be similar, they’re all obtained in different ways. There are certain aspects that must be met in order to achieve the goals that have been set.
The first and most impactful aspect is genetics. Unfortunately, the genetics of an individual can determine how easy or difficult it is to do nearly anything in the gym. That’s not to say that goals are unobtainable to someone with bad genetics, it just means that the individual needs to work much harder to achieve those goals.
“I don’t have the best genetics so I don’t really just gain muscle or strength, I have to earn it by going to the gym more,” sophomore Kellen Grecko stated.
Another big factor is the amount of work that is put in. Staying consistent and working hard in the gym is the best way to reach the goals an individual has set for themself. Results are not instant either, so it’s important to be patient and consistent in training.
Diet is also important for anyone who is trying to gain or lose weight. Every person has what’s known as maintenance calories, this is the number of calories needed in order for someone to stay at their current weight. In order to lose weight, an individual must be at a calorie deficit, meaning that their total amount of calories eaten in a day, must be less than their maintenance calories. In order for an individual to gain weight, they must be in what’s called a calorie surplus, meaning that their total calories eaten in a day must be more than their maintenance calories.
“I’m pretty tall so I have to eat a lot in order to gain weight, but I’ve just been eating at a surplus of calories and I’ve started to gain some weight,” sophomore Jeremiah Day stated.
Sleep is another factor that takes a big part in muscle growth and recovery. Regardless of what goals have been set, getting a full night’s rest is crucial for any person who is going to the gym and training their muscles. Sleeping is when the body takes the time it needs in order to regenerate from the events of the day. Meaning that without a full night’s rest muscles won’t fully recover and therefore will have a harder time developing.
“Usually when I don’t get a full 8 hours of sleep, it’s near impossible for me to go to the gym the next day because of the fatigue,” sophomore Anson Stutzman noted.
Going to the gym and not seeing results can be frustrating, but following the basics of the human body is a big part of reaching whatever goals have been set.
Weightlifting can sometimes be intimidating to newcomers, and it can be demotivating to not see any results. However, it’s important to not overcomplicate things and stick to what works. By being patient, staying consistent, and doing what works results will eventually come.
Hello, my name is Nic and I'm a Sophomore here at AAHS. I like mainly like writing opinion-based articles because I am a very controversial person. In...