How to Get All A’s in 10 Days


Seniors Gabi Robinson, Molly Matheson, Mary Waterman, and Brandy Beisinger all sit in the hallway and work on a project for one of their AP classes.

High school is full of late nights doing homework, taking pictures of notes, and managing the chaotic schedules of over a dozen sports and numerous clubs. There are also plentiful opportunities to meet multiple people in every class, audition for school musicals, and many other highs and lows.

When it all comes down to it, though, high school is a minefield, and it can be hard to juggle everything all at once. The good news is, we all have each other for guidance and to keep our lives on track.

“[Many of us] have sports and after-school activities to keep us busy a lot of the time,” said senior Emily Gregerson, “but it is definitely more challenging to schedule in enough sleep and hang out with friends all at the same time.” 

Both the seniors mention there is a lot of priority that takes place throughout high school, but once you get into the rhythm of all of it, it all becomes more manageable.

Senior Michaela Hein shared how she got into a ‘groove’ for the high school work load. “I feel like I had a good organization system going into high school, so it became easy for me to maintain throughout all four years.”

There are many different ways of staying organized during ‘Senior High,’ and some tactics do not work for every student. However, Lisa Preeshl, Art teacher at Air Academy High School, states that adding creativity into your lifestyle makes everything a little easier.

“Many students learn better by being hands-on and adding creativity to assignments. It is important for students to have a say in how they would take notes or tackle projects, whether that means adding color or sketches,” said Preeshl.

It is proven that students who add color and drawings to ideas and lessons comprehend information more easily. However, it is also beneficial for students to have a say in how they take in information, as some absorb best by hearing something once, and others have to think outside the box.

Freshman Nolan Hollis shared that while playing baseball, basketball, and skiing in the wintertime, he is easily able to keep his grades up.

“As a freshman, I feel that as the year goes on, my organization continues to get better. The one thing I would need to improve on would be setting aside more time for my homework.”

Even a handful of seniors continue to strive to preform even better than the last three years, while others are not breaking a sweat.

Gabi Robinson’s favorite way to record homework is in her personalized planner because writing her homework down helps her better remember what she needs to accomplish.

“I think that studying is very important for tests and quizzes and I do my best to make sure I feel confident about a test going into it,” Robinson said. “I use any study guides teachers hand out while I also make one of my own by using the notes I took in class.”

Robinson even cared to add, “throughout middle school, I did not feel the need to study for any tests,” but once she stepped foot into our blue and silver building, she changed her expectations for herself. However, she had noticed a difference once she got into high school and became more aware for upcoming tests.