8 Most Fattening Starbucks Drinks

Iced Coffee. Photo by Audrey Levens.

Iced Coffee. Photo by Audrey Levens.

Cold days are just around the corner in Colorado. As the air gets crisper and the clothes get thicker, the drinks get warmer. Starbucks is evidently the most popular place to get your hot coffee fix on a freezing school morning, but what most don’t consider is what they are really paying for in that Venti Salted Caramel Latte with extra whipped cream. Here’s a hint: it’s not money, it’s grams of fat. Here’s a list of the top eight most fattening Starbucks drinks, along with ways to slim them down this season.

  1. Pumpkin Spice Latte: This is the fall drink of all fall drinks and every pumpkin-crazed person within miles of a Starbucks races to buy what has become the traditional drink of autumn. While it tastes like the perfect combination of football games, sweaters, and Halloween jack-o-lanterns,  it’s about as healthy as the candy you get on that festive night. With 520 calories in a Venti cup and a whopping 21 grams of fat, you might want to limit yourself on the P.S.L. craze this fall and save room for Thanksgiving.
  2. Hot Chocolate: Coming in at number 2 is one of the most common drinks that people crave during the snow days out of school. This warm, chocolatey delight might not pair well with your typical day on the couch watching Netflix. Containing 550 calories and 24 fat grams you might as well warm up a chocolate cupcake and eat it out of a mug to calm your chocolate craving.
  3. Java Chip Frappuccino: This is one of the most popular cold shakes of all the Starbucks drinks. Made with chocolate, chocolate, coffee, and still more chocolate, this frappuccino lands at number three with 600 calories and 22 grams of fat. Although this chocolate java dream is totally amaze, you should probably reconsider next time your stomach is craving a cold tasty treat. In fact, there are less calories in a 10 ounce Wendy’s Chocolate Shake which only has 342 calories and nine fat grams.
  4. Cinnamon Roll Frappuccino: Another one of the cold drinks at Starbucks (cinnamon) rolls in at number four. It seems delicious, so who wouldn’t want a cinnamon roll in a frappuccino? Unfortunately, it still has a colossal amount of calories and fat, 600 calories and 20 grams to be exact. One Pillsbury cinnamon roll only has 300 calories and 8 grams of fat. You could eat two cinnamon rolls and it still wouldn’t be as much fat as one of these drinks. This cinnamon challenge is not suggested.
  5. Salted Caramel Mocha: Yes, there is a drink with salt, caramel, chocolate, and coffee; but it also includes 600 calories and 18 grams of fat. How could something that tastes so good be so bad for me, you might ask? Well because this Venti cup contains 18% of your daily sodium and 65% of your saturated fat for the day, it’s the sweet, salty combination that really makes this treat not so sweet for your body.
  6. White Chocolate Mocha: This has to be the most painful one to write about because it is my personal favorite. A mix of white and milk chocolate comes together in a integration comparable to Ebony and Ivory. This perfect harmony is broken by the fact that this drink has 620 calories and the most grams of fat on this entire list: a whopping 27 grams. The recommended daily fat grams for a normal diet are 33-58 fat grams per day. You would be pretty close to that number just after drinking this delicious mocha.
  7. Peppermint Hot Chocolate: This drink is Christmas in a cup. It’s a shame that it has to be so fattening, coming as the second most unhealthy of all drinks included on the Starbucks menu. After a few of these you might be mistaken for Santa himself. It contains an alarming amount of 630 calories, along with 24 grams of fat. Who knew Christmas could come at such a cost? (besides our parents)
  8. Salted Caramel Hot Chocolate: Last, but certainly not least, is the 640 calorie, 24 grams of fat, salted caramel hot cocoa. This drink is the opposite of anything healthy. It might as well be a whole meal with the amount of calories it has. A little more than two pieces of pizza would be equivalent to this not so hot, hot chocolate.

All of these grams of fat and calories might make you freak, but don’t worry. Starbucks is not a dangerous place. All of the cases above were only in a Venti cup with whole milk and whipped cream. Some of the most healthy drinks at Starbucks are black and green teas, but if you still want your chocolate, peppermint, or salty treat, you can easily lower the calories and fat. Next time ask your barista to make it with either 2% milk, soy, or fat free milk! And don’t forget to ask for no whip, unless upcoming finals are really stressing you out; then please, by all means, get the extra whip.