Farewell, but Not Without a Will


(Left to Right) Top: Kenzie Weller, Jacob Wilkes, Carys Jacobs, Kayla Wiitala, Katie Rainsberger, Jenny Beth Maynard, Ryan Henley, Brady Becco, and Mrs. Steinke. Bottom: Emma Wood, Sophie Braker, Emily Olson, Saoirse O’Connor, Maddy Jahelka, Maddy Flicker, and Nikol Podlacha.

A year ago, Cody Maynard wrote a detailed farewell outlining the process our staff undertakes to publish every month. He spoke to the potential of our team of writers and the successful birth of the Jetstream Journal. This year, I’m here to praise thriving through our second year.

I led a studious class of 15, about 2/3 the size of our first set of staff. To accommodate, changes were made to the paper and everyone held a leading role, deservingly so. The second year was arguably harder than the first, as we had to meet the expectations held of us after exiting last May, but I’m happy (and proud) to say that, despite a few bumps in the road, we held our own.

I’m graduating this May as more than just another student in the halls to all of my writers, and in my farewell to not just the newspaper, but them as well. I’d like to will what little I have left to give this senior year to the lot of them.

To Emily, I will my incomplete Physics homework and the boots you thought were cute (metaphorically, of course).

To Saoirse, I will my blessings that your name will be pronounced (and spelt) correctly.

To Sophie, I will all of the books I never read, considering you’re likely to be more diligent about that than myself.

To Maddy Jahelka, there is nothing more I can contribute to your already dynamic personality.

To Nikol, I will the little belief I have in the Sasquatch.

To Emma, I will the hats, glasses, and short hair I will not be taking to college.

To Ryan, I will my vote for Henley-Becco 2048. Also, prayers for the rest of the school during Henley-Becco 2016.

To Sasha, I will an absence of concussions as a Pioneer at DU.

To Carys, I will the strength to continue working at Zio’s, as well as all the linens that somehow materialize in my car after shifts.

To Maddy Flicker, I will my sunburns, because the sun’s clearly doing more for you than me.

To Katie, I will every ounce of athleticism in my body. Sorry it’s not much.

To Kayla, I will my desire to attend concerts, since I have little resources to do so.

To Brady, I will accents and conspiracy theories. (Yellowstone will be the death of us).

To Jake, I will patience and success with your talent for writing. You’ll do great things.

To JB, I will the power to persevere through senior year. May you find it kinder than I did. I also will my thanks as an excellent second-in-command on the Journal – I couldn’t have done it without you.

And finally, until next year, I will all of our readers a wonderful summer and a good read of our final edition.

Kenzie Weller, Senior Managing Editor