Athlete of the Month | November

Athlete of the Month | November

Matt Pipan – Boys’ Soccer

There is no doubt about it: Matt Pipan is an athlete. He blocks goals left and right, as though he’s been denying flying soccer balls since infancy; the legend has clearly been training for quite some time. “I started playing soccer when I was really young and have kind of just stuck with it through the years because it’s honestly something that I really love to do.” Now Matt is a senior in High School and is finishing his last soccer season- an undefeated soccer season at that. They made it to state and proceeded to win state as a, let me hear you say it, an UNDEFEATED TEAM! Matt is to be appropriately thanked for this soccer success due to the incredible number of saves this season.  With only about 4 goals unsuccessfully blocked, his stats this year are through the roof. Matt said “my biggest inspiration has got to be my parents. They have done so much to get me to the place I am right now, which includes spending thousands on me throughout the years.”  He continues by saying, “They are always pushing me to get better and I appreciate everything they have done.” At Air Academy, we also appreciate the support that Mr. and Mrs. Pipan provide because they created a student athlete that we are proud to call our own.

Even though soccer and winning is a daily affair for Matt, being an outstanding student outweighs the importance of the sport he loves. “Balancing school work and soccer isn’t that bad, I just make sure that I take any extra time that I have during school and at home to my advantage to get all my work done so I’m not stressed about it later,” says Matt.
So Matt, coming from the whole student body: thank you, congratulations, and bravo.

Megan Horn – Girls’ Softball

The women, the myth, the legend of our Kadet Softball team. It has been many years since our Lady Kadets have qualified for state but by golly they did this year. Megan Horn is the starting pitcher for our Varsity team and has had an amazing season. Megan has been competing since 6th grade but has played t-ball at park and recreation since the beginning of time. If this information doesn’t already tell you that she is passionate about softball and she doesn’t love it with all her heart this will; Megan participates in softball year round, no break. This is why Megan is the woman, the myth, the legend and is signing to Chadron State College in Nebraska. All because she is an athlete, and not just an average athlete- an exceptional Lady Kadet athlete.

And behind every great athlete, is the athletes support group- which happens to be  her family and team. Megan says “My Dad and Mom are my role models and inspiration because they are always pushing me to be better and they do everything right, so it’s hard for me to not look up to them,” she continues by saying “they also drive me anywhere and everywhere, including all my games.” And when asked on a scale from 1-10 how much does she love her team she responded with a resounding 10. Megan states “we all get along [on the team] and my teammates are fun to be around so I always have a good time.”

Anyone can look at Megan’s accomplishments and think “Wow, she’s done a lot,” even Megan thinks that, but she also strives to do more. She hopes to win state next year for softball and sets her sights on winning the World Series. Both dreams are completely doable for a one Megan Horn.

So Megan, your Kadet family congratulates you and we literally (not figuratively) can’t wait to see what you have in store next year.

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