Varsity Basketball Season Starting Up
The sounds of the bouncing of the ball and sneakers squeaking on the court mingle in the air. The crowd pauses and all goes still as the shot leaves the fingertips of the player. Silence and then…Swish! The crowd lets out a thunderous cheer of joy.
Ahh, the sounds of basketball. This sport is one of the best ways to get involved in school. Players learn teamwork and sportsmanship, and–most importantly–to have fun.
Last year, Varsity Boys Basketball won 8 games out of all 23 games. Hopefully, this year the team can change that, and win more; however, the relationship building is always a win.
“Being part of the team is an amazing experience,” senior Grant Shandy said. “The relationships formed really create a brotherhood of close friends and those friendships last forever.”
The basketball team is committed to much more than just their sport. This year, the Kadets decided to give back to the community. A few days before Thanksgiving, the basketball team made food baskets to give to people who were in need, contributing to the altruistic spirit of the holidays.
AAHS World History teacher Barry Clark serves as the varsity basketball coach and has positive things to say regarding his team and sport.
“I love coaching basketball,” he said. “The players are amazing people who sacrifice time and energy to represent the school. Basketball is a fast paced game that changes every ten seconds and you have to be able to adjust with it.”
To those interested in joining the basketball team next year, Clark advised, “Tryout. Play basketball and keep practicing. Kobe Bryant said it best, ‘Fall in love with the basics. Be fundamentally sound and have a great work ethic and love to compete with high character.”
Shandy also commented, “People should join basketball because it’s a fun game that keeps you in shape and connects you with people you may not have been friends with otherwise.”
Best of luck Kadets! We hope to hear these successful sounds on the court:
the frantic shouting of the coach,
The muttering of huddled Kadets planning their next attack,
The whoosh of a ball piercing through the air as a Kadet opens his wings and…
The ref shouting “Game Over! Kadets win!”,
and finally, the ultimate chant the team performs before games:
“We love and care for each other on three!
We love and care for each other!”
HI! My name is Dylan, I am a sophomore here at Air Academy and I am a journalist. I love photography and filmmaking, so I thought I would try Journalism...