8 Necessities for Your Car During the Winter


As Jack Frost starts to nip at your nose, road conditions start to get frosty. There are 8 essential supplies that every teen should keep in their car during the winter time in case of emergency.

Warm Socks/Mittens: When the winter months hit, the temperature drops. If you get stranded on the side of the road, it’s always good to have warm socks and mittens to keep your little piggies warm. It is a known fact that if you keep your hands and IMG_4292newfeet warm, you will retain heat better.

A Winter Jacket: Along with warm socks and mittens, it is also essential that you keep an extra winter jacket for when you venture from your car- but not too far!

Lighter/Matches: A handful of people can make a fire on their own without using lighters or matches, but chances are that you do not have that certain ability. Matches and a lighter are strictly used for when you are out facing the elements. Please do not burn candles in your car because carbon monoxide poisoning is all too real.

Flashlight (with extra batteries): Flashlights are the Swiss Army knife of light. You can use them as signal lights and for glass-breaking. Some flashlights even come with a seatbelt-cutter, as well as a radio and a phone charger. And remember to always keep extra batteries in case your flashlight dies out.

Water: Water is a basic necessity for human life; it’s also essential for survival. Be sure that you have water bottles stashed in your car to keep you hydrated. Remember: you don’t need to pack hundreds of water bottles to keep you trucking; 2-3 water bottles should do the job.

Granola Bars: To keep your strength up and hunger pains from driving you nuts, granola bars are a great way to go. Be sureIMG_4298new that they are in the 200-400 calorie range. Fitness bars are good too, but they are for extreme emergencies. A box or two of your favorite, delicious granola bars will easily satisfy your short-term needs.

Cell Phone Adapter: What’s worse than being stranded in the winter? Being stranded with a dead phone in the winter. It is essential that you have a phone adapter in your car so you can call 911 or someone you trust – a family member or friend – so they know where you are and can help you.

Shovel: A shovel is not only a good tool to have in the winter, but also year-round. If your car ever gets stuck in snow, mud, etc., a shovel is a great tool to have to dig yourself out of your nasty situation. Be sure to have a shovel that is slightly sharp at the end and not flat. Remember: never dig your tires out while someone is pressing on the gas because this could lead to serious injuries.

Suggested Items:

First aid kit


Tow chain/ Rope

Signal Flares

Fluorescent Flags and Whistle

Road Salt/ Kitty litter/ Sand

Blanket/ Sleeping bag

For extra tips go to: http://ready.wi.gov/winter/HowToMakeAKit.asp