An Ode to the High School Experience

Photo via Wikipedia Commons under the Creative Commons License.

We were told to write an article for this senior special edition.  However, my high school experience was the most anticlimactic thing I’ve ever witnessed. It was nothing like they said it would be. My experience was a series of confusing observations through the lens of binoculars and I’m pretty content with that, but it doesn’t allow me to give a ton of insight to the younger peers at my school. I have opted instead to write a poem:

If you cannot find your class,

It’ll be alright.

If your teacher gives you sass,

It’ll be alright.

If your friends leave you behind,

And you start to lose your mind,

If you’re feeling awfully confined,

It’ll be alright.

Whether you’re the quarterback of the football team or have an award for best attendance, you all need to sit back and relax a little because, for the most part, everything will be alright. Everyone in high school is on the same track so stop making it harder for each other. The main idea I’m trying to get across here is chill out bro.

I never joined a club until my senior year and that was more due to cultural obligation than anything else (#gotoGSA). And I was pretty content with not being involved. High school doesn’t have to be a big deal; it can be a mere item on a checklist. Enjoy your time or don’t.