Open your Eyes People

Mysterious Illuminati People. Photo via Wikimedia Commons under the Creative Commons license [http://upload.wik dia/commons/0/0 f/Conspiracy.jpg]

Paranoia and the thinking that there is a greater truth behind events is the main fuel for conspiracy theorists nationwide. While some could be plausible ideas, the vast majority of these theories are outlandish statements which often make yourself wonder, how could anyone believe this? I am about to open your eyes to the (alleged) truth behind our complex world.

The first stop on the journey to the truth is in the mysterious world of the Reptilian elite. This is the thinking that the world, is in fact, run by shape-shifting alien reptiles. That’s right, you read that correctly, shape-shifting alien reptiles. This means Barack Obama, Vladimir Putin, The Clintons, and pretty much every other well-known person in the world is actually a reptile whose ultimate goal is to enslave the human race. This theory was originated by David Icke and it claims that these shape shifters have controlled the world since ancient times and are behind pretty much every catastrophe ever. Many people actually believe this theory, just look on the internet yourself. Keep your eyes peeled for reptiles in your area, they may be (will be) coming after you.

The next stop in knowing the truth about the world you live in is in our drinking water. Where the government is putting fluoride in the water in an overarching attempt to brainwash the population and have mind control over its citizens. In short, the government is putting fluoride in our water to enslave us through mind control (a recurring theme in sinister schemes). This downright insane theory was especially popular during the Cold War as people believed the Soviets were trying to mind control people in this way. No matter what angle you look at this theory from, you can’t help but wonder where the logic from this comes from. Be wary of your water folks, drink too much and you could become a slave to the government.

Another completely illogical conspiracy theory is one that says the Ebola outbreak in Africa is actually a government plot to become a totalitarian government to the American people. People believe Obama created the virus, downplayed how easy it is to get the disease, and when he implanted it in America, would force a vaccine to the American people with a tracking device in it and become an all-powerful government. Despite being disproven by microbiologists, doctors, and school children alike, people are still convinced this epidemic was caused by our own United States government. Don’t get the vaccine people, it is a trap!

Sometimes, hearing about the latest conspiracy makes you really think… about how somebody could possibly believe in whatever they are saying is true. Keep your eyes peeled though people, the government is out to get you.