Subtweets Saving Lives

Everything posted on social media is just another primary source for future generations as well as a generous source of bad history and misunderstood Facebook posts. Nothing has the potential to harm aspiring politicians quite like old, politically incorrect statements.

The future of politics and elections is in the hand of the millennial teens abusing or utilizing their freedom of speech on social media. The effect could be either wonderful or wonderfully detrimental.

Say that some seventeen year old doesn’t realize it yet, but he/she will eventually be running for election to some political post, and he or she does not yet realize that every social media post that they were proud of and prayed to get likes on is now up for grabs by their opponents. Getting dirty for elections will never be easier.

Can you imagine having a secretary of state who used to tweet about “getting turnt” or that “Nutella is bae?” I for one do not feel completely comfortable with the safety of my nation in the hands of an individual that was once in love with a chocolate hazelnut spread.

The chaos that would ensue if our president were found to have a twitter full of racial slurs that were considered common slang would be unprecedented. The mistakes commonly made on social media would be brought to the center stage years after being made and it could possibly be one of the most hilarious series of events. Watching someone’s career crumble because of irresponsible use of free speech sounds a little too amusing. Just because you can say it doesn’t mean you should.

The best way for someone to lose all consideration for holding office would be to cyber bully. By @ing someone on a fire tweet, you’re are assuming all of the potential libel issues related to cyberbullying. Subtweets could save your life, future politicians.