Chilling, Eye Popping, and Insane World Records

[Gary Tuner with weird makeup, stretching his neck.] Retrieved April 24, 2014. From:

[Gary Tuner with weird makeup, stretching his neck.] Retrieved April 24, 2014. From:

Chilling, Eye Popping, and Insane World Records

There are tons of world records out there; some are crazy impressive, others will just surprise you. Not only are several of these records a bit odd, they make me wonder, how do they even think of them?

To start off, Bettina Dorfmann is the proud collector of 15,000 Barbie dolls, holding the record of the largest collection. She had been collecting Barbie dolls since 1993 and still plans on saving them.

An inspiring world record by 86 year old Johanna Quaas, should keep us striving in sports. This women from Germany, still competes regularly in the gymnast competition Landes-Seniorenspiele. On the other hand, a not so athletic record consists of watching the most amount of hours of movies straight-120 hours and 23 minutes.[Gary Turner stretching face skin.] Retrieved April 24, 2014. From:

Garry Turner holds a somewhat disturbing record for the stretchiest skin. He is able to pull the skin from his neck entirely over his lower jaw. In addition, he can stretch the skin on his stomach 6.25 inches outward. His elastic skin has rewarded him with a spot in the Guinness World Record book.

One more record that has to do with the human body is held by Kim Goodman. Beyond her eye sockets, she can protrude her eyes .47 inches; she still keeps the “eye popping record” from 2007.

Vishal (Blog Publisher.) Brooding Mood. February 17, 2011 [web.] Retrieved April 24, 2014. From:
Vishal (Blog Publisher.) Brooding Mood. February 17, 2011 [web.] Retrieved April 24, 2014. From:

365 days later, Stefaan Engels completed a marathon a day. He competed in 7 countries overall including Spain, Portugal, Belgium, Canada, Mexico, U.K., the US, and Barcelona. He averaged about 4 hours each race; although his fastest marathon was 2 hours and 56 minutes.

Furthermore, another runner, Kai Martin, was able to brave out 5k on ice and snow, finishing the 3.1 miles with a time of 23.42.16. The chilling record was indoors on man-made snow. He competed against six other runners, and his feet definitely took a toll, since he needed medical attention immediately following the race.

This runner goes a shorter distance, but has a strange way to do it. Kenichi Ito ran 100 meters on all fours in the matter of 16.87 seconds. His old record was 17.47 seconds, but at a special race to celebrate Guinness World Records Day, in Tokyo, Japan he broke his already cheetah fast time.

If these records motivated you to break some, there are thousands you can attempt.  There is even a specific website ( that lists many records and also shows videos of them. In addition, if you are intrigued by a record and plan on breaking it, it gives you an option to challenge it, which also includes rules and exactly what you need to beat.