Teachers with Tech

Teachers with Tech

Since the early 1980’s, computer companies have been vying for a lead against market competitors. The biggest competition has been between Apple and Microsoft. Both companies make extremely light, fast, and reliable computers. Lately, though, Apple has been pulling ahead because of the ingenuity of the company. Products such as the iPad and Apple TV have revolutionized the technology industry. However the largest effect, by far, is what the newest technology has done to enhance education. Teachers, administrators, and students are all facing a new tomorrow with all of the technology; plus the largest effect of the technology being present in the classroom is what will happen when our generation graduates.

One of the most common, yet conspicuous, ways of using technology in the classroom is by actually using it outside the classroom. The flipped classroom allows students to do their homework in class while watching videos of lectures outside of class. The benefit of this is students have the option to ask questions during class while working on their homework.

computerBeyond the flipped classroom style there are numerous other ways to engage in technological learning, the most common of which is the standard PC. Computers have a wide range of capabilities that make teacher’s lives easier for grading and teaching. Many learning sites on the Internet are a popular option for students studying for a test or learning new material. Programs installed onto the computers give students opportunities to create school projects, papers, and presentations in ways superior to what our parents had access to. Power Point, Word, and Prezi have all made school projects more enjoyable and easier. Along with the computers came email – the fundamental and original way of reaching your teacher when you’re not in the classroom. Other communication sites, like Edmodo, are being used to help students communicate with each other as well as their teachers.

Popular sites have become even more common with students here at Air Academy. Lots of Students use Gmail, Google drives, and Dropbox to store documents, notes, and presentations created outside of school. A share feature on Google Drives allows students to share documents with other students, making it extremely popular for group projects. Dropbox backs up and syncs files to any computer as well as the Dropbox website so you never need to worry about losing your research paper again.

More and more, technology is revolutionizing the way our generation learns. It is a powerful tool that opens the door to many educational possibilities. Teachers and students at our school use technology daily to socialize, learn, and entertain. Schools have to keep up with modern tech to continue to offer our generation the best possible education and opportunity.