The Tennis Team’s Support

The female tennis team practicing passes.

The tennis team at AAHS has little support compared to the football team. The teams are similar in many ways and should have the same support.

Of course, tennis and football are different sports. In tennis, you play with a racquet, and in football, you do not. The two activities are similar,  nonetheless. Some would even argue that their similarities are more important to make a game enjoyable.

“Cheer after every positive point,” junior Asher Kiser, a player for the male tennis team, explained when talking about a tennis game. 

This is one of the few differences that football and tennis have and it does not make the game less enjoyable.

“[There is] a lot of respect for each other,” Kiser noted.

One of the similarities that makes a game fun is the respect that the opponents have. 

“Our team’s work ethic is have fun and play fair,” senior Ellie Lark, a player for the female tennis team, explained. 

The football team and the tennis teams both have the same ideas about playing fair and having respect for the opponent. 

Passion is a large part of tennis, football, or any activity. The players are on the team that they are on because they enjoy the team. Passion can make a game fun and engaging. The players work hard because they love the activity. 

“We work really hard,” Kiser said when talking about practice for tennis.  

“…[I] was on JV and last year I was a swinger up to varsity. This year I hope to be Varsity,” Lark noted.

Playing tennis can help with a player’s mental well-being, freshman Carson Brandt, a player for the male tennis team noted. Many players enjoy tennis for different reasons. Tennis is an exciting activity to play and watch. Many people would enjoy tennis because of this.

Adding more bleachers would be an excellent way to get more people to come and support the tennis teams. Currently, the tennis team only has a few bleachers. Of course, the tennis team’s bleachers would not need to be the size of the football team’s, but more bleachers would be a great way to invite people to come and support. 

Also, advertising through posters could get more people interested in coming and supporting the tennis teams. Many people did not know when the tennis games were and had not even been to a tennis game at AAHS before. Possibly adding elements that the football games have to the tennis games, like food options, for example, would promote more people to go. Then, when those people go, they may recommend for their friends to come.

  “…it would be nice if we had some fans!,” Lark explained when talking about the female tennis team’s season. 

The girl’s tennis team representing good sportsmanship.

The male tennis team still has some games left, and the female tennis team’s season will start soon, so people can still go to support them! If the bleachers are updated and elements are added to the tennis games, then tennis can become a fun, popular activity just like football is!