Advice To and From Air Academy Seniors
This school year the Jetstream Journal has put out countless great stories reflecting on our interests. As we are coming close to the end of the year, we publish our last issue, so Michael and I (Jason) interviewed teachers and seniors on their best piece of advice for the Air Academy community.
“My advice is to be proud of yourselves for succeeding in the very challenging completion of a K-12 education! This past year has been the hardest that any students have faced in recent history and yet you have done it successfully!” said biology teacher Cris Robson. “This type of grit and determination will carry you very far in life no matter what you decide to do! The future is yours and I am so very proud and excited for the journey you have ahead,” Robson continued.
“I think my advice would be to always be true to yourself. You are going to be pushed and pulled and challenged in all sorts of directions, but if you know what you believe in you won’t be pulled off the path you are supposed to be on,” said math teacher Kimberly Madden.
Social Studies teacher Lee Routsong also had something similar to comment saying, “My advice would be to do whatever you can to continue your education/training. You can’t stop with just High School. Keep learning and get a degree or get training in a trade or skill that will help you get a good job and support yourself in the years to come. Also, be a lifelong learner. Never say that you are done learning. Always try to better yourself.”
Some of the best advice I’ve received is always embracing feedback and constructive criticism because there is a difference between them. Feedback is not synonymous with praise, in fact, these criticisms can hurt but it is better to take it in than shut it out.
This next piece of advice from Science teacher Brad Boyle sums up the essence of our article.
“Realize that teaching, learning, and the future life plans are not defined by this year of COVID-19. It is my best hope that we have a world moving forward that is better than the one that we left behind before the pandemic. As you find a place in this world, be receptive to new challenges and opportunities that arise during your post-secondary future,” stated Boyle.
These teachers have given some great advice so far, but seniors themselves have important insight to give to new Air Academy students as well.
After four years at the school, the soon-to-be graduates know a thing or two about making the most of high school.
Senior Shannon Kate recommends, “Take advantage of any opportunities you are given, you won’t know what you enjoy until you try it.”
Senior Rachel Haldorson shares this sentiment by stating, “Everyone should attend at least one school event, whether it’s homecoming, sporting events, or prom because you won’t get another opportunity. Creating those memories will make your time in high school much more fun and tolerable.”
Haldorson continued with some more academic advice: “Take classes that are challenging but not too overwhelming. It’s not about getting straight A’s and bombarding yourself with honors and AP classes. Don’t get me wrong, taking some of those classes is good but there should be a balance between school and social life.”
So, as this year comes to a close and seniors are sent off to bigger things and the new freshmen class enters, it’s important to remember to be proud, be prepared for the future, and make the most of any opportunity you can.