Everyone Can Be a Photographer

Senior Elina Landin takes a photo of senior Tatum Miller with lighting from a sunrise.

Differentiation of lights, colors, objects and faces that are encapsulated through a lens: photography. A variety of single photos taken by individuals that then become artifacts in the span of history: photography. 

The concept of photography has been prevalent throughout history. Humans have always desired to capture, freeze, treasure, and savor moments; it just so happens that photography is this gateway. 

Once photography was solely for capturing documentations of history; however, it has evolved into an expression of art. It now embodies individuality and unique expression. With easy tools that can be found on the app store, really anyone has the capability of editing and constructing photos to be original and to stand out. 

In the day of modern technology, the possibilities of photography have grown in tremendous ways. 

“I think the boundaries of photos have expanded since smartphones because of the quick accessibility to a camera,” said junior Tessa Morse.  

Photographers do not have to be just people with the most expensive equipment, but really anyone with a handheld device. 

“Today, it is estimated that more than 5 billion people have mobile devices, and over half of these connections are smartphones,” according to Pew Research Center

This means that there are about 2.5 billion people with handheld cameras. 

Throughout time, we have seen photography evolve from capability to quality, and now to quantity. Photography used to be a tool solely to capture planned moments, but it has now taken a role in capturing the unexpected. 

The convenience of having a camera in your back pocket has instilled a sense of creativity in every smartphone user. Now people at any time can take out their phone and take a picture. With this accessibility, photos within the photography world have taken a new step in freelance photos. There is now such a vast variety of photos because of the quantity of smartphones and other cameras; there are really no guidelines to a “good” picture, making really anyone eligible to be a photographer.

“Every two minutes, humans take more photos than ever existed in total 150 years ago,” according to the Atlantic News.

Before unlimited storage, film camera owners had to be specific with their pictures because there was a limit to the amount of film the camera could store. However, current devices can store up to thousands of photos at a time. As a photographer, this opens up an avenue for trial and error like none before. The consequences of a “bad” photo are not as extreme as they once more; therefore, becoming skilled or polished in taking photos is more of a possibility. 

Photography in present-day society plays a crucial role in the way people communicate, network, and make a living. With high demand for photos the opportunity for anyone to be a photographer is great. 

The essence of individuality in photography has expanded now that most individuals have access to a camera. Every single smartphone owner, could be considered a potential photographer, but what makes someone an actual photographer?

“Professional is an attitude. Professional is a behavior. Professional is a standard. Being a professional is the way in which you approach your work,” said DIY Photography

Whether you use a professional Canon camera or an iPhone, modern creativity has no limits. The photo, not the camera, makes a modern photographer great.