Air Academy’s French Class is Going to Quebec


Quebec City has a great view from the shores outside of the city. Labeled for reuse by Wikipedia.

This coming spring break, Air Academy’s French class is going on an exciting trip to Quebec.

Every year, Madam Sinkola has done a trip to Quebec or France for French class and it switches every year to keep the trips different. 

The trip happens over Spring Break and lasts all of Spring Break, but students will return before school starts again. 

On the trip, students should enjoy things such as, “On the trip, we do a variety of things. We get a charter bus and visit a lot of different locations that allow students to learn about the culture as well as use their French skills,” said  French teacher Natalie Chabot.

Some students have heard about the trip, but are they interested in going on the trip?

Both Students senior Wyatt Scarbrough and sophomore Faith Poling said they would be interested in going on the trip if they could.

Air Academy has decided to adopt this trip but why?

“Students at French teacher Kim Sinkola’s last school loved the trip so we wanted to begin offering this at AAHS,” said Chabot. 

This trip seems great for Air Academy because it gives students a chance to practice what they have learned in class and they get experience with the culture.

Should the school help fund this trip to make it more enjoyable for students?

I think the school should finance a trip like this to give the students an opportunity to broaden their cultural views,” Scarbrough said.

The class is trying to get the students involved in the culture with this trip but how does going on this trip help with the skills you have learned in the class.

like how asl (American Sign Language) has the program asl in action where the kids are supposed to interact with deaf outside of school the trip is doing the same with french students,” Poling said.

The trip is for french class and is open to all class levels of french.

Both students I interviewed said that they’d be willing to go on the trip if it was offered to them and it sounds exciting to them.

School trips are very enjoyable and you can do things with a friend in sometimes foreign places in an educational environment.

Any trip outside of this country offers alternative views and experiences so I’d yes it’d be fun,” Scarbrough said.

Both teachers and students have excitement building up for this trip over Spring Break.