Trump’s First Weeks in Office


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Science Ban! Global Gag! Trump Administration has been in office for just shy of a month and has made 19* executive orders so far, leading to protests, riots, and outrages on social media. Yet, it seems that many of those who proclaim to be upset or affected by the orders passed don’t know what really has been passed.

Day 1 of Trump Administration:

Saturday, January 21st, was the first full day of Trump’s presidency and the day of the Women’s March on Washington. The march was not just in D.C. though; it was international as marches took place on all 7 continents. Trump’s actual actions on his first day in office consisted of making amends with the CIA, in which he offended during his days on the campaign trail, and shutting down the ‘falsehoods’ about the crowd size during the inauguration. The facts show that more people attended the Women’s March the day after inauguration than the number of people that went to the ceremony.

Day 2 of Trump Administration:

The rise of Sean Spice and Kellyanne Conway’s “Alternative Facts” started after Conway, in an interview, said, “You’re saying it’s a falsehood. Sean Spicer, our press secretary, gave alternative facts.”

Day 3 of Trump Administration:

Monday in the Oval Office started with Trump reinstating a global gag rule which prohibits international non-governmental organizations (NGO) that provide or talk about abortion services from receiving federal funding. Trump also stated his intent to withdraw from the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade agreement and instituted a federal hiring freeze for all but the military.

Day 4 of Trump Administration:

Trump signs the go-ahead on the construction of the Keystone XL and Dakota Access pipelines, despite protests from thousands, including former First-Daughter Malia Obama, and many environmental groups.

Day 5 of Trump Administration:

Keeping one of his most well-liked campaign promises, Trump ordered the begin of construction of the wall between Mexico and the United States, claiming that Mexico will pay the US back for the construction. Mexico denies that they will pay for the wall.

Day 6 of Trump Administration:

President Trump speaks about bringing back waterboarding and how he believes it is successful.

Day 7 of Trump Administration:

Trump signs executive order to ban travelers from 7 countries of Muslim-majority—Iraq, Iran, Syria, Yemen, Sudan, Libya, and Somalia—from entering the U.S. for 90 days. Syrian refugees entrance admissions have been suspended for an unknown amount of time, while refugees from other countries have been suspended for 120 days. Many details about the ban remained vague, including what it would do to those with valid U.S. visas, green cards or people from those countries who are permanent residents.

Day 14 of Trump Administration:

A federal judge in Seattle temporarily halted Trump’s ban made a week prior, leaving Trump to take to Twitter in a frenzy. The President stated the next day, “The opinion of this so-called judge, which essentially takes law-enforcement away from our country, is ridiculous and will be overturned!”

The First 100 days of a Presidency are vital to the success of the man that sits in the Oval Office. From FDR’s 3721 executive orders to Obama’s 276, Trump is on a roll with 19 orders in his first two weeks.


*all actions and orders are up to date as of February 5th, 2017.