5 Easy Ways to Stay on Top of Your Game in School this New Year


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It’s the beginning of 2nd semester, and if you aren’t struggling or lacking motivation, then you are probably lying to yourself. As high school students, we are entitled to a certain amount of slack and procrastination. With that being said, it is 2017, and its time to step up your game and stay on top of your work. We have all fallen short on an assignment or two before, and if this is increasing in frequency for you right about now, then you have come to the right place.

1.       Stop putting off your homework.

As obvious as this seems, doing your homework ahead of time is so rewarding and overlooked. Your stress levels will decrease, having a noticeable impact on your mental health and overall state of mind. Netflix is captivating, but you can watch it when you finish!

2.       TREAT YO SELF.

Seriously though, do it! Do some work and then take a break. Finish a project and then go enjoy time with friends. Get a good grade and then buy yourself dinner. I promise you will want to continue these positive habits.

3.       Believe in yourself.

Even if you got less than mediocre grades last semester, you have a chance to turn things around for yourself. You can do anything you set your mind to. With so much room to improve, all you need is the determination and motivation to turn your grades around and come out on top. Drowning in self pity will get you absolutely nowhere, so do just the opposite. Remember, there’s always the most improved award!

4.       Have a study session!

Okay I know how it sounds like something your teacher would tell you and something you would never actually do. However, I cannot stress how valuable study sessions are. Personally, I really benefit from them; different people absorb different information, and when you come together, you are likely to help one another to understand all of the different information. If it helps, then continue setting them up. And if not, then at least you tried, right?

5.       Change your perspective.

The way you look at things has a much larger impact than you may realize. Come to school with hopes of a good day. Go home, establish time for schoolwork and time for yourself. Stop stressing about what you can’t control and start being a boss at the things you can control. Then sit back and watch, because you will have a fuller life with more time for yourself (and better grades!).

 Although all of these ideas are fairly simple, making small changes in your attitude and your study habits really will have an immense impact in the long run. Remember to have an open mind; you may surprise yourself when you end the year with better grades than you ever could have hoped for!