Human Rights Month

December Brings Human Rights Month

Photo via Wikimedia Commons under the Creative Commons license.

Photo via Wikimedia Commons under the Creative Commons license.

Cruelty, racism, and oppression: our world has been plagued with these violations to human rights. There have been many instances of wrong doings throughout humankind’s history. There has been systematic mistreatment of people due to religion, ethnicity, or sexuality. Hate has poisoned the minds of millions and seems to overcast the light in the world.

With the arrival of the month of December comes Christmas, Hanukkah, and Kwanzaa, but it also brings Human Rights Month. This is a month where all people are asked to stand for rights and the opposition of wrongdoings from others and governments.

The history of Human Rights Month originated from World War II after the United Nations wrote the document “Universal Declaration of Human Rights.” This document was created to prevent the infraction of human rights. The first amendment states “All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.” This shows the basis of what Human Rights Month is based around. “We the People” can take a stand and prove the power of love is more powerful than the love of power.

How can you observe Human Rights Month? Remember that all human beings were born into the same world we were and that, despite our differences, we must learn to function here together. This month’s purpose is to come together no matter what race, religion, nationality, culture, sexual orientation, gender, or beliefs and stand as a unit.

The most important thing you can do today is to find common ground with all people you interact with. The human race attempts to differentiate themselves from others that they neglect to acknowledge what makes them the same.

Everyone deserves respect and dignity no matter the circumstance. Take time out of your life and help your community. You can volunteer with a nonprofit organization, help others in your neighborhood, or simply throw a piece of trash away that you see on the ground.

Make a positive impact on the World around you and change one life at a time by standing for what is right.